Tuesday 6 March 2012

38) Do a blog post every day of the week

Woohoo that's number 38 off my list! 

Well, i have done number 38 off my list (doing a blog post every day of the week)
It was a little hard to find something to write about every day. I did it tho with a little bit of old posting that i hadn't got around to putting up yet - things that happened on certain days, plus a book review.

I didn't think i would do it. I know it might not seem that hard to do, but for me it was. I always most of the time don't keep to my word and end up doing something else... so go me!
I've also put another £5 in my Disney pot :-)

Mrs P



  1. Congrats! Keep on writing :D

  2. Doing a great job,sometimes I can't think of anything then some days I have to much I want to say:)
