Thursday 28 July 2016

School Report

The General Comment
As always the teachers has put it's been a pleasure having Summer in the class, and that she's a popular member of the class who gets on with all of her peers. Summer is very thoughtful and caring and will always go above and beyond to help her peers and teachers. She spends her breaks and lunch with her best friend.

She has made good progress throughout the year and is always eager to learn and impress others, but can sometimes lack confidence in work and needs reassuring. She enjoyed taking part in Choir and going to the Royal Albert Hall.

It's absolutely great, she only missed half a day of school throughout the whole year.

Before the next bit I will have to explain something first. You can get Emerging, Expected or Exceeding and you can get from A - C for Effort.
I know that Little Miss P needs to work on her English and Maths skills.

Emerging - Effort A

She has made less than expected progress this year in writing and is working below the expectation for her year group.  Her Target for over the summer is to check some spellings and punctuation errors.

Emerging - Effort A 

She could have made more progress this year and is currently working below the expectation for her age group. She can identify different themes in a range of books she reads and she knows a character set in a certain way because of how they are feeling. Her Target for the summer is to be aware that some words sound different to how they are spelt.

With Reading at her school they are put into groups by with reading a book then going to a computer and doing a test on the book they have just read. My problem with this is that some children do better on paper and not a computer and some children don't do well at tests. If she is anything like me I hated tests and always mucked them up.

Emerging - Effort  A

She could have made more progress in mathematics and is below the expectation for her year group. She can count in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 and is able to find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number when working with money and measures. She can rapidly add and subtract numbers mentally including questions such as 762-7. Target, to find a fraction (such as 2/5 or 3/4 of a set of objects).

In Maths they are put again into groups by tests that happen every Monday morning. I think it's a mental maths test by a computer saying the questions and it's normally out of 15. Little Miss P tells me she normally gets 10 right, I don't think that's too bad really.

Expected - Effort A

She seems to enjoy Science and will mostly put her hand up to answer a question even if she's not 100% sure. She is always eager to learn more about science and has shown good progression by nearly always getting a higher mark in her end of term unit test.

These are the main subjects. All the other subjects I will put in a different blog post.

Mrs P

Please check out my youtube ( Hello Ducks )

Thursday 14 July 2016

Only Three Days Left at School

Little Miss P only has three days left in year three and then she's off to year four.
Where has the time gone?
I thought I would do a post to see how much she has come on in the last school year.

Well I think she has come on a lot, her reading has got a lot better, the flow, her sounding out, difficult words... it seems to have just happened over the last three weeks and I think that's down to the one-on-one reading help that she's been having. I am not sure what reading scheme the school does but after they read a book they have to do a test on it on the computer. Then if that gets so many right they can go up a level. At the moment she's on blue, if that means anything to anyone.

Her writing is looking nice and neat now but she needs work on her spelling. So my aim is to do that over the summer holiday. With maths I think she's doing OK and she's about the right level that she needs to be at I think. As long as you can count, add and takeaway and know most of your times times your're doing alright, as that's what we really use in day-to-day life. I don't think Little Miss P wants to be a mathematician.

I think Little Miss P still needs to work on her confidence, she has a few friends at school but really she only plays with one of them and that's her best friend. I would like her to play with other kids other than just one of them. I wish they did encourage that in school but they don't.

I think overall she has had a great time in year three and has really enjoyed her time at school. It helps that she likes her teacher who she will miss. Just hope she likes her next teacher.

Mrs P

Here are my June Buy I hope you enjoy 

Thursday 7 July 2016

What I am loving at the moment

Here are my top five things of the moment. Other then my family that is. 

1) The Magicians
 On Channel five, called The Magicians. It's based on the bestselling books by Lev Grossman. It's a dark fantasy about a recent college Graduate Quentin Coldwater, who has a history of depression and has always longed to live in a magical world. He learns that Magic is real not just mesmerizing but also full of untold dangers. Life changes on the day of his Princeton University interview, when he finds the examiner dead and a hidden portal leading to the Brakebills College of Magical Pedagogy, where he is accepted as a student.

2) Notepad (my to do list)
I have this notepad where I write a to do list everyday only small ones, like do a blog post or a YouTube video and down to going to the post office to post something. It works and keeps me on track as to what I need to do.

3) The Miracle Morning 

I am in the middle of listing to this on Audible. I have read so many reviews on this I thought I would give it a go and so far it's good. It's a self help book and they have some great views that I might take and put in my life, but not all. I will do a review once I have listened to all of it.

4) Bows
I really enjoy making bows at the moment for my daughter. It is very relaxing and they also look cute on her. Some of her friends have asked if I can make them some. I might but I will ask for a bit of money for them, only the cost price though.

5) Cleaning
Ok, not all cleaning, only hoovering the stairs at the moment as it looks really nice once it is done. It only lasts until little one gets home as she seems to get a lot of little bits of paper on it. And dirt.

That's what I am enjoying at the moment. Also I will not be posting a blog post on Monday at the moment as I will be doing a blog post everyday in August.

Mrs P

Here is my Little Video if you fancy a look