Wednesday 22 May 2013

Hallway part 2

Ok, this part of the hallway is taking it's time. Mr P did a great job with putting the new spindles in, it looks great, but we're now taking the paint off to repaint it, and it takes sooooo long and the stuff smells bad after a while.

This is what it looks like when you walk in the front at the moment; the walls are plastered, the carpet is up
with lots of dust everywhere.

And we finally have under the stairs sorted. It's levelled out with the walls plastered... no more spiders running out from it woohoo!

When we brought up the carpet we never expected to find this under it - red and black tiles... it must have been in fashion at some point, but oh my I don't really like it.

Well that's it so far. It might be a while before we do the next bit as we want to finish the landing first so we don't have any drops on the newly plastered wall.

Mrs P 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it will be lovely when its finished xx
