Monday 6 July 2015

July Goals

June Goals
1) Do my Avon blog post and YouTube video 
2) Start to help Little Miss P with her new YouTube channel ( Have one video done) 
3) Get to 60 on YouTube 
4) Sort out the garden fence and start the decking 
5) Look for more stock for Summer Minnie ( Have look but thats about it)

July Goals 
1) Get 75 on youtube
2) Do the 30 day #journeytosplits with Little Miss P 
3) Start to get thing ready for the party 
4) Have the garden sorted 
5) Do something for myself 

Mrs P 


  1. You did so well in June, I'm sure you'll have another successful month.


  2. June was a good month. Am sure July will be better. Good luck.
