Thursday 9 November 2017

October Lookover

9th - Well work has been a bit slow going, but it's only 1hour and 45mins a day so I think I can get over that. Little Miss P had her Dance competition on Sunday and she did well, they got 2nd for both (she was in two group dances). I don't really like dance competitions, I just don't want her feeling sad or upset if she mucks up or the feeling of letting her team down. I just want her to have fun and I think that she really likes the bit of getting ready and dressed up.

16th - Yes, Little Miss P and I only have one more week at school and at work then we are off on a family holiday to Kessingland for a few days, where I don't have any internet so all I can do is read, write and other things. Little Miss P kind of annoyed me last night, the hubby cooked a lovely stew the same way as we always do and Little Miss P didn't really touch it. She said she didn't like it. And she left her room in a right state. And had a bit of attitude. I think this shows she's growing up.

30th - Yep it's nearly the end of October, and a few days ago we got back from our lovely little holiday to Kessingland. We also went to Legoland for a day and a half and we also saw the Lorax at the Old Vic Theatre in London. It was a beautiful theatre and it's only 30 minutes away on the train for us. It was a very busy week off school, I think we fitted in everything that we wanted to do, that's why on Sunday afternoon when I finally let my body relax a bit, I got an earache and went all cold, now on Monday I have a cold, headache and nose running. I don't mind really as long as I just get through the days of having a cold I'll be fine. At least I've got it now and out the way. I don't fancy having a cold the first week of December as I'm out pretty much all week. For the rest of October it's back to the normal routine of school run and work. 

Mrs P

Little Video of Little Miss P's week in Kessingland

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