Friday 5 June 2015

A Day at Woburn

On election day Little Miss P had the day off school because they were using her school as a voting place. And so Mr Parker had booked the day off work so we could use our Tesco vouchers and go to Woburn Safari Park where you drive through. We do it at least once every year because we just love it.

It's a great time to go today because not many people think about it in advance. It was quite empty considering it could've been really busy. As soon as you drive into the bit where it says Woburn you see little Deer just wandering near the side of the road eating the grass... it just makes it feel more magical when you go in.

You can either go straight through the drive-through Safari or go through and park up. We always go straight to the drive-through Safari to see the bears, lions and monkeys and of course the zebras. We got a great view of the bears this time they were just by the side of the car under the tree asleep... they are just too cute for words.

After that we parked the car and had a walk round the the rest of the park. We saw the lions playing around, went on the train ride around the park and Summer even had some fun on the bouncy castle. We went to see the birds in the bird house as we don't normally go and see them as they are a little out the way. I think we got there just as they were doing some checks on the birds as we heard a few squawks occasionally. 

At the end of the day we always go back through the drive-through Safari just to say bye to the animals, it's something we've always done. I will always do that as you see the animals being different characters at different times of day and this time we saw a close-up of the wolves instead of the Bears.

I hope as as a family we will do this every year or every other year when she gets bigger, I just think it's great family time. It's a nice chilled out day.
That evening Mr P had a rehearsal at Hatfield University so we went with him and just stayed in the little booths there while he had it and had a Starbucks too. As soon as we got back in the car Little Miss P fell asleep which I'm glad of because she still had school the next day!

Mrs P


  1. I've never actually been to a safari park, but after seeing how much fun you had I may have to go to one!

  2. Fantastic post - We went to Woburn Safari last year and had a absolutely amazing time.

  3. I love Woburn. It's such a great place. Used to go a lot with school! Beautiful place. M

    Kirsty xx
