Friday 16 December 2011

I now have a facebook page

I have now set up a facebook page of The life of Mrs P to get the word out so far on this blog. I have 31 followers and one of them is me. I do love you all to bits but would like a few more, i have people reading this in Germany and United States so let me know who you are and followe me please, so that i have a few more friends on here! Or join me on facebook at The life of Mrs P!/pages/The-life-of-Mrs-P/188097877911559?sk=wall. Let's hope i get some more people on this blog and facebook.

 love from
Mrs P
 X X X


  1. Following you now - welcome to blogging! I'm from NC. :-)



    I'll catch you on FB as well! :-)

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I know how you feel, I only have a measly 21 followers and two of those are my parents so kind of don't count! Think I've liked your Facebook page too. I've just set one up as well and currently have no likes ( oh apart from me!) Can't work out how to link it to anything.

    Look forward to hearing more from you soon x

  3. Thanks, i will try and find you on facebook to if you can try and re do the link, that be great. x

  4. Hello, I am a new follower from the Get Connected Hop. I would love the follow back. Getting followers is hard work, connect with a lot of blog hops and networks. I always follow the ones who stated that they **follow back**. Also on your facebook page there is a way you can give your page it's own url like mine is Good luck!
    I am looking forward to following.

    Katie - Saving and Sharing It

  5. Thanks for all coming along to my blog i have now joined all of you to. x
