Saturday 24 December 2011

Is four too young?

Well, we put Little Miss P's name down for primary school. I was under the illusion that Primary school took two intakes a year - one in September and one in January, but not any more... just one intake a year and that's in September. But Little Miss P would have just turned four years old in August. To me that seems really young to go to school all day: at least if she started in January she'd be that little bit older and might understand it more. I know that doing one intake a year is a lot easier for the schools, but is it really the best for the children? Children have to be in education until they're 16 years old, so why do they have to start so young? Their childhood is taken from them so young.

 Sorry for my little rant but i have it out of my system now, so thanks for reading x


  1. Everybody would not agree with me on this, but I think that four is way too young. She has many school years ahead of her when she starts, so why the rush.

  2. hmmm i started school very early and it made me very mature. anyways i love your blog and your little daughter is very cute.

  3. Adorable picture.
    I do -sort of- agree, four is a young age to start school. Had we still been in Scotland my son (aged four) wouldn't have started until next year but here in England it's different.

    He did settle in brilliantly though, has already learnt so much and generally loves it. I'm sure most of the kids do.
    I hope this gives you some sort of peace of mind. I had the same concerns.

    TToria @

    (Passing through for the Reflexions blog hop)

  4. I agree, I think it's too young... I'm hoping I can keep my little one in half day for another few years yet.

  5. Thanks for all your comments, i know she be ok i think its me being a little bit silly,

    Hope you all had a great christmas x
