Thursday 22 December 2011

Ten reasons why I love Winter.


1) Walking in the rain
 with Mr P

2) Halloween
I love seeing all the kids dressed up and having fun...
OK I know Halloween is not in the Winter but it says to me that Xmas is on its way

3) The cold
Suggling up on the sofa with a hot coco watching a film

4) Shopping
OK i love shopping all year round but when all the shops have their Xmas displays out it feels so good.

5) Christmas
What's not to love?

6) Seeing all the family at the same time

7) Walking and playing in the snow

8) The Christmas film Elf & Polar Express

9) Seeing Little Miss P on Chrismas Day open her pressies

10) Kissing under the misteloe x

What do you love about winter?...!/pages/The-life-of-Mrs-P/188097877911559


  1. Awww @ #10. Definitely family times; the excitement of cooking and hosting!

  2. Oooo I can't wait to do number 7! Not much chance this Christmas though looking at the forecasts!

  3. hello, over from blow your own blog horn.
    christmas wouldnt be christmas without watching elf, love it!
    merry christmas xo

  4. New follower. Well. I love all the Christmas candy and deserts to be honest.
    The season itself is just like no other, there is a special feeling about that is just AWESOME!
