Friday 15 February 2013

Mini me

 Mini me

This is little story stated on Saturday. We were getting ready to go out to have a cup of tea at my friend Mrs Brown's house. I was getting ready in our room. When Little Miss P was ready, she came back into my room and found out that we both had very similar shirts on. I couldn't believe it, so I had to get a photo of it. 

I didn't go for the skirt though and stuck with my black jeans.

Having fun with the camera.

Little Miss P got her hands on the camera and took this good one of Mr P and I. It's werid seeing me on the other end of the camera and i don't like it!

And this is a fun family fun one of us.

When we were ready to leave the house it was hard getting Little Miss P off daddy's phone as she was playing the games on it.

This is how i found her. 

Do you like our shirts ?
