Sunday 26 January 2014

13th - 19th January 2014

Monday 13th January - Today I had to go over to my mum's house to wait in again for the man to come and look at the roof (as it's leaking again). I had to leave hers by midday though as I had a meeting at Little Miss P's school, about the new reading scheme. They didn't really tell me that much new, as that's the way I have been teaching her already, so that wasted about an hour of my life. While I was at mum's house my stepsister took over from me, so I got to see Little Miss Flack and have a play with her. Oh and I forgot to take my money to Little Miss P's dancing lesson, so will be paying that on Thursday. Spent £0.00.

Tuesday 14th January - Well today I am at home whilst Little Miss P is at school and I am just catching up on the housework, like washing, hoovering... all the fun stuff. Also went down to the shops to post something I have sold on ebay. I only sold two things but it made me £14.00 and it's things that i will never use, so it's worth it. Spent £5.20 (at the Post Office).

Wednesday 15th January - Put up my youtude video today and a little blog post. Been to the shops to pick up a few bits again like bananas and milk and also went into the Post Office to post some ebay things again. And of course it had to rain when I went to get Little Miss P from school. We didn't mind too much though as she loves skipping in the rain. Spent £5.00.

Thursday 15th January - One thing I learnt about 12 years ago, maybe even longer, is that everyone looks out for themselves and really only do things that make life better for them or better for their kids and that's about it. Even if you think you don't, i bet if you sit back and have a look at yourself you will realise that you do, and the last few days made me remind myself about it again.

Friday 16th January - Today it's all about getting ready to go to Butlins for Mr P's brass band competition. We ended up leaving the house to get on the road by 6.30pm. We had to drop off Little Miss P at my mum's house as she was having her for the weekend. We ended up at Butlins at about 10.30pm, so all we did was go to our room and chill out.

Saturday 17th January - The day of the competition. It's a weird day really as we sit around waiting to see when they will be drawn, and they were last so we had until 2pm free to do something. We ended up going bowling and having a light lunch. What happened after is that everyone goes to the pub then off to the results. They came 9th out of 22 so not bad going, after that it's really more drinking until you can't stand up. I was good as when I started to feel dizzy I went onto the water. We ended up going to a place called Jumping Jak's club, which is in the complex. Mr P ended up leaving at about 1am and I stayed until 2.30am, then left because my feet were hurting so much and it was really hot in there.

Sunday 18th January - Today was get up whenever and have a bit of breakfast, a walk on the beach, then off home. We left at about 2pm so Mr P could drive home in light. My mum dropped of Little Miss P at ours at about 6pm so we had some time of cuddles and a bit of reading before she had to go to bed as she did have school in the morning. That evening Mr P and I just watched TV as we were knackered. Not sure what we spent over the last few days; we weren't keeping count as it was a little holiday.

Mrs P

ebay finds:

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