Wednesday 5 March 2014

Photo Gallery #176

This Week is Morning 

I have come back to give the Photo Gallery a go as I enjoy doing this and you don't have to do it every week.

My morning mostly consists of a cup of tea brought up by my husband, then getting Little Miss P ready for school and taking her. I love my morning as it works really well and as a little family we have it down to a tee. Mr P and Little Miss P go and have breakfast then they both come upstairs with a cup of tea for me and we get ready. Mr P leaves for work first then a few minutes later Little Miss P and I go off to school at 8.10am.

Mrs P


  1. Aww what a sweet photo. :)
    Our mornings are ever so slightly more hectic... I just find it sooo hard to leave my bed in the morning. Which is strange considering how much I loathe going to it at the end of the day, lol!

    1. I use to be like that, in the morning but one week it just all feel into a nice little routine x

  2. That's a really cool piece of art work. Clever idea. happy and well ordered mornings make for a happy child I think. good for you x

    1. Thanks it took as a while to get a good routine going x

  3. What a good hubby you have. Have you thought of loaning him out? lol

    Lovely photo too.

    opping over from Clairejustine blog hop

    X x

    1. I have thought about it but don't think he would let me lol
