Monday 21 July 2014

We have lost a tooth!

The tooth is out, yes her first wobbly tooth is out! The other day is was at a 45 degree angle all day and I said to her it would be out tomorrow, just stop wiggling it, so she did.

The next day she went to school and it was a normal day. I went to pick her up and she was smiling at me. I was looking at her thinking something was different but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was, until she handed me an envelope with a tooth in it!

I was so proud. It was a different big proud mummy moment and she looks so cute with a little gap in her teeth. We had a good chat on the way home from school about how it feels out and what she did. So here is the little story of how it happened.

 Little Miss P:
It fell out when it was carpet time. It just fell out Mummy. I put my hand up and the teacher thought I was asking a question but I said my tooth had fallen out. So Miss Stevens took me to have a glass of water and put my tooth in a little bag.

Did you cry and did it hurt?

Little Miss P:
No Mummy it just fell out.

That's all that she really said about it. That night the tooth fairy came and she got given a £2 coin as that's all I had on me at the time. She put it in her saving pot bless her. No more are wobbly at the moment, but it won't be too long before the next one is.

That's our little story, hope you enjoyed it.

Mrs P

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1 comment:

  1. What an adorable photo! It's amazing how Little Miss P was brave enough to pull out her wobbly tooth all by herself. She's very brave for her first loose baby tooth. I bet you were very proud of her. Also, I'm sure she was excited for her very first visit from the tooth fairy. Thanks for sharing that with us. All the best! :)

    Ethel Duncan @ Doug Smith DDS
