Thursday 21 January 2016


I have just found Audible books, oh my I have been missing out, I love it. I thought I would give it a try last month and the first book I got was #girlboss by Sophia Amoruso. It's about the person who created the brand nasty girl and how she came round to doing it. I don't want to tell you the whole story because that's for you to find out when you read it yourself.

It's about how she started it and what made her do it. It's a very inspirational story by her starting out as the lowest of the low and making a multi million pound company with no help from the banks and all with her own money. I am a little bit of a sucker for these types of stories but that just gets me motivated to do the things I want to do to live my life. It's great to listen to first thing in the morning to get you up and going and ready for the day.

Before reading this book I have to say I've never heard of nasty  girls, it actually sounds like it might be a porn website to me but now reading it obviously I have looked up the website online and her website looks fantastic. It is very different to most of the websites I look at. She has put her own style on to it and that's another reason why I love it.

So if you fancy an inspirational book to listen to, I would recommend it.

Mrs P

Here is a little video of Little Miss P's book review


  1. i've always wanted to read this!
    thanks for popping over to my blog

  2. This is on my 'to read list! For sure! Great review, you made me want this book even more :)

  3. I haven't read this book, I am not much of a boook worm you can say. I am now reading Charlie and the chocolate factory, hehe. I might try audio books sounds like fun! x
