Thursday 28 March 2013

What she wants to be.

What she wants to be 

After school the other day, Little Miss P and I got into a conversation about what she wants to be when she's older. I don't have a clue how we got onto it, but well, here is the list of what she wants to be...

Ice Skater (even though she's never been before)
A showgirl (I think she means West End)
and a Teacher

So it's a mixed lot really. I bet if I ask her in a few weeks it will be something different again. It's sweet really, she's wanted to be an artist for the last year as she has always loved painting and colouring.

I am sure we'll all find out soon what she'll be... well in 14 years or so anyway.

Mrs P 

1 comment:

  1. Are bless :) im going to ask my daughter now what she wants to be ...
