Tuesday 31 December 2013

December Favourite

December Favourites

Hello everyone, it's the end of December, so here are mine and Little Miss P's favourites.
Let's start off with...

Little Miss P

1) Princess Tent - it's just made up of two umbrellas and some towels, but it's so cosy watching films underneath it

 2) Barbie Story Treasury - we picked this up from a charity shop for 99p and Little Miss P loves it... now that's what I call a bargain

3) This Pops Craft Chain Monster - it was only a £1 but she loved doing it and didn't need any help, so great for a lazy Boxing Day thing to do

4) As we have been busy going to see family etc. she's been taking this pillow everywhere, just to feel like she's at home and comfortable

5) Yes, her Thorntons Advent Calendar - not much to say about that one, other than... CHOCOLATE!!!

My Five Favourites

1) My warm socks - it feels so great waking up and putting these on my toes... they're only from Primark (via Father Christmas) so did not cost that much. I've also got another pair for when these ones are in the wash...

2) 'Christmas Eve' Yankee Candle - it's only a small one and it's just been sitting on a shelf in the loo, but it just looks so pretty sitting there (and it smells good too)

3) My Christmas Tree - it has to be a December Favourite really

4) This Beauty and the Beast tree decoration - I got it when I went to Disney World with my family when I was younger. I love it and have it on the tree every year.

5) And these Wispa bites - I don't normally like Wispa but these 'Wispa Bitsa' are really nice and go well with a cup of tea.

What are your December favourites?

Mrs P

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