Thursday 6 November 2014

Blast from the Past (Bloghop)

Hello and welcome to my 2nd Bloghop. I have got a little better at it now and have worked out how to do the layout I want and put a photo in, woohoo.
This bloghop is all about those old blog posts that you write.

 It could have been a week or three years ago, or even 10 years ago as long as you're proud of them. I feel like I have written some great blog posts but as they were when I first started, not many people got to see them. So now it's time to show them off. 

All I ask you to do is follow me on here and go around and read other people's posts. And to only show off one of your posts at a time and I will try to do this every week for you. Share the love to your fellow bloggers, go over and say hi. You never know, you may even make a new friend and find some other great blogs to read and to give you some inspiration.


  1. Nice idea. I wish you success with it! and well done for adding a pic this week :-)

    1. Thanks you can add your own blogpost to it if you want

  2. Sounds like a really good idea, I have actually been going through my old posts and doing some editing etc

    1. feel free to link one up, I love reading old blog post x
