Saturday 22 November 2014

Marks and Spencer Ad

Two fairies go to work helping people sort out Christmas. One looks like a fairy that has done it before and the other one hasn't, so she's still learning.

I love this advert, it's fun and festive. You can see the clothes well and is overall very Christmasy. I like how the two fairies are different and the dresses they wear are lovely. I love the Limited Edition Fit & Flare Embelished Trim Dress. It's so cute and only £49.95, very nice. And the sexy bra ROSIE FOR AUTOGRAPH . I might just need to go and buy that in the Crimson colour.

There is not much to say about this ad, other than go and have a look and watch it, as I enjoyed it very much.

Mrs P


  1. The ad is really different- I like the vintage and magical feel and the fairies are a super cute idea too. It's made me feel very festive! Alice x

  2. I love their new ad it really is all about Magic and Sparkle !! Manjiri -
