Monday 20 April 2015

Birds Eye - Wholegrain Fish Finger

Hello all, I thought that I might start doing a weekly food review on something that we have eaten over the previous week.

I received some vouchers the other day for £1 off the new Birds Eye Wholegrain Fish Fingers so I thought why not let's give them a go. So on our weekly shopping trip to Tesco I picked them up, they were £2.50 for 12 Fish Fingers. So with my voucher I picked them up for £1.50.

When Mr P and I have our fish and chips we normally do Little Miss P fish fingers, so she had these. We didn't tell her that they are different from the normal ones we gives her until she had eaten all of them. And she did, she demolished them as soon as they were on her plate even before the beans and chips and that means she really enjoyed them. She said she couldn't tell the difference between her normal ones and these ones. As these are better for you I thought they might taste a bit weird for her as that is what she normally says about different food she tries for the first time.

As you can see all the fish fingers went first 

I will be picking these up again as she seemed to really enjoy them and that's what counts for me. I hope they have them on some sort of special offer soon, just to bring my shopping bill down a bit.

Mrs P

Come along and see what we got up to on our lazy day at home.


  1. My boy loves fish fingers too! xxx

  2. My little one loves fish fingers, we have them as a treat for lazy meal days.

