Thursday 23 June 2016

Bows Bows Bows

I have seen all these bows at the moment that the girls are wearing and Little Miss P asked if I can buy her one, so I looked around and there are so many on esty and they looked very cute.

But I thought I should be able to make one of them so I YouTube'd it and it looked like I should be able to with a little bit of practice. So I bought all the things that I needed like fabric and a glue gun, that's all I needed for it. So the initial outlay is quite small.

The joy I got when they came in the post and I saw how pretty the fabric is. I got right to trying to make one, and for my first time making one it was good. I did glue everywhere and cut it a bit wrong but I was proud of it.

But the thing is now that I have made loads and all different sizes they all look really cute. I might try and sell some as I have way too many now already and Little Miss P won't be able to wear the all.

My favourite ones are the big ones that look great on a headband and Little Miss P loves wearing them. The tiny ones are so cute and I think they would work well on paper craft projects like on wrapping paper at Christmas or Birthdays.

I have ordered some more fabric so I can make some more, they look really cute and I enjoy making them but I just have to find a way of selling some now as my house will be full of bows and I don't think the Hubby will be impressed with that.

Mrs P


  1. These look really cute! They also look like cheer bows, the bows that cheerleaders wear in their hair for competitions

  2. Wow, these look incredibly professional. And the beauty for your daughter is that no one will have one that's the same - always an issue when something becomes popular. Tx
