Thursday 9 June 2016

Helping with Homework

Summer finds it hard at school, she's OK with Maths but with English she finds it hard, so I am trying to help her out with it at the moment. I have brought a few books to help her out.

So I thought I would buy the Collins books as they seem to have the best reviews on them. The first one I picked up is the Phonics and Spelling Age 7-8 years. This book is great with pages with short E Phoneme and long E Phoneme, Adjectives, Antonyms, Alphabetical Order.

The next one is Basic Skill English Age 7-8 years Book 1. There are at least 5 of them, this is a bit more simple one with First Sounds and Young Animals.

And for her Maths I picked up Mental Maths Age 9-10 to see what she will doing in at least two years' time. This looks hard I have to say and she's not ready for it yet but it's good for me to see what she will learning.

I hope this will start to help and gain her confidence in the long term as that's all I really want for her. She also enjoys doing them so I think that should help too.

Mrs P

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  1. These books are really great for helping the learning process at home. I used them with my eldest.

  2. My son Joe is seven and loves these kind of books too.
