Monday 11 November 2013

Let's Start Something New

Evening Everyone.

At the moment I have two new adventures and I am very excited about both of them.

The first one is a Little Miss P and I project; we have started to make little videos and take photos of us on my iPad, just of day to day life. And then when she's at school I put a week's worth all together and put it up on youtube. It's not much but we both enjoy it and have fun making them, so if you're bored and fancy a look, go and check it out @

This is week Four, the most up-to-date one. My video skills are not that great at the moment, but it will get better as time goes on (I hope)!

The second thing is a family project. I say family, it's really my little project and another couple we know.
We are buying a business, well, taking over a business hopefully. Can't really say what it is at the moment, but as soon as I can I will say.

If I get brave with my videoing skills I will try and video the process of it as well.

We're at the stage where I am waiting indoors for the two solicitors to ring me back. I've been waiting most of the day and it's now 2.00pm (when I wrote this) and I have waited most of yesterday for them to call. If I don't get a call today I will be ringing again on Monday and asking if they want my money or not as it's starting to get on my goat a bit... not great customer service at the moment.

Let's hope they will get back to me soon. Please get back to me!

My husband has his own little project and that's setting up a brass band Christmas concert. The link to their twitter is here, so if your're in Essex pop along. It will make you feel very Christmassy!

I hope you liked seeing what my little family are up to. Why not leave a comment and let me know what adventures you have going on :-)

Mrs P 

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