Wednesday 23 April 2014

Photo Gallery #183


It's been Easter, woohoo! As it's been a few days now, in our house we've eaten most of our Easter Eggs and so we're feeling a little bit on the bigger side around the tummy.

This photo was taken just after the Easter Egg Hunt with Little Miss P showing me all her things she found and straight after this photo she asked if she could have them. And as I am a great mummy (hehe) I let her have a few even though we hadn't had dinner yet.

Hope you had a lovely and yummy Easter!

Mrs P

I'm now on bloglovin so please come and join me!


  1. That is quite a haul!! Great pic

  2. Aww what a great Easter hunt haul x

  3. Looks like the Easter Bunny was good to

  4. The thing is though (if you're anything like us), if you are a "good" parent and don't let them eat them all right away, then you put them somewhere "safe" and then find yourselves eating your way through all of them while watching telly that night and end up a) sick b) fat and c) having to explain where the eggs have gone in the morning....

    Funnily enough the same thing happens with the chocolate oranges in the stockings...

    Far better to let them eat them!

    1. I had some of her friends over the other day so they got rid of the rest of it before I could get my hands on it. lol

  5. Impressive stash of chocolate! I don't know about you but I'll be glad when it's all gone :-)

    1. yep It's all gone now and I didn't have much that i am glad off x
