Friday 16 January 2015

Back to Routine

We're back to the normal routine of school, house work and just general life.

Little Miss P went back to school on Wednesday 7th and it's hard getting her back into a routine, with going back to bed at 7pm when she has been going to bed at 9pm and waking up at 9am.

(Just a cute photo of Little Miss P and cousin Issy) 

So right now I have a not so tired little girly on my hands even though I thought she would be, and a very tired me. It's been a few weeks since I got up at 7.30am and have been yawning since 10.00am. So I am trying to keep myself awake with lots of tea.

First day back at school and little one's been telling me all about it. She's been learning about Christianity and what happens when you go to church. I like to try and keep up with Little Miss P and what she's doing at school and bring it home to learn a bit more. I would rather do that with Maths and English and not RE, but will do a bit on Christianity as I am Christian and it be good for her to learn more about that and for me to get back in touch with my religious side.

That's it's for now, I am off to play with some Lego with my Little Lady then read her book from school with her.

Mrs P

Day in the life x


  1. Looks like she is learning a lot at school. Before you know it she will be starting high school x


  2. Same for me - kids back at school. So hard getting back into the routine again and like you I'm soooo struggling to get up. Our alarm goes off at 6.30am and I rarely get to bed before midnight, so yawn, yawn, indeed. Tea is brilliant at giving an energy boost and so I'm drinking loads - though one of my NY Resolutions was to drink more water. Oh dear! Tx
