Thursday 1 January 2015

My Hopes for 2015

 Yes, it's 2015, woohoo...! Happy New Year...

This is a little blog post to just write my hopes for 2015. I am not going to have a full list of things this year as I did last year and most of them didn't happen, so I am not going to get my hopes up again like I did last year.

1) To carry on having a happy little family who care for each and support each other in everything we do. Look out for one another to.

2) Get this blog its own domain name, I really need the hubby's help for this one as he's the tech one in the family. And also set up my header with the logo and carry on enjoying doing my little blog and maybe make some money from it.

3) See my friends more. We all have busy lives at the moment, it's the time of our lives where we're so busy with work and children. Sometimes though we just need to take time for ourselves and catch up with mates.

4)  Youtube life. I don't really have a youtube life at the moment as I don't have a youtube channel, well I do just with nothing on it. I will leave the link here for it. Hehe, a little plug there. I said to Little Miss P that I will start in November and I haven't yet, oh dear. I don't have a clue what it's going to be about yet.

5) Work on things that I really want to work on and not be scared about doing. Just go out and get it.

That's it for my hopes for 2015, I will keep you updated at the end of each month to let you know how it is all going.

Mrs P