Monday 9 February 2015

January Look Back

I thought it would be good to do a look back over January at the positives that have happened, so I don't take anything for granted.

So at the beginning of January it was a new year and a new start. I said to myself that 2015 is the year I will kick a little bit of butt and set myself some challenges. Only small ones to get where I want to get to in life.

Not sure why a photo of my feet but its cold outside.

I did quite well with them. The only two I failed on was by doing them half heartily, but I did some of them and that's what counts.

Also we have started doing meal plans each week 1) so we don't waste food 2) it should save us money in the long term. By saving money on the food means we have been able to pay off more of the credit card this month, and that helps us to our goal of paying it off by the end of the year.

We sorted out our DVDs, they were a mess on the floor in the conservatory due to moving things around in the front room. The hubby made two shelves for them in the lobby that fit some of them and the rest are nicely put on a unit.

We saw our lovely family that live in Devon. We don't get to see them as much as we would like as they just live too far for us to always go and see them. Little Miss P loves playing with her cousins and her face lights up when she sees them, it's just so cute. I would like to see them more if we can, and Devon is a lovely place to go and look around.

As I write this the hubby is painting the front room wall where a nice big photo of all of us goes, as it's looking a little bit dirty. Not sure how he's getting on at the moment, all I can hear is a DVD on.

I made my first Hotpot. The hubby normal makes this as he likes cooking and when I cook I normally burn it. But today it was me giving it a go and I have to say I didn't realise how easy it was. I may be doing this more often now.

I am very proud of myself for putting this blog from blogspot to its own demain name. It might seem easy to some people but it wasn't to me and I did it with no help from anyone. So that made my week, and gave me the confidence to try some more things out on my own.

I have started doing videos on my own youtube channel and I even have 18 people following me. I didn't even think I would be able to do it, let alone have anyone watching it.

There are more things but I can't think of them at this moment in time. But I think this is a good start to the year.

Mrs P


  1. Well it sounds like your year has started off very well and well done on starting your youtube channel up x

  2. Well done on starting your youtube channel and making your first hotpot. I bet it was delicious! x
