Monday 21 March 2016

Beauty Products

Here are some beauty product things that I have been using. I don't wear makeup and don't normally use much skin care, but I have been at the moment due to my skin playing up with this winter weather.

I have never been good with make-up or skin care so I am just trying a few bits out to see if they work.

First up is this
Simple Moisturising Facial Wash
I picked this up because it said it's for sensitive skin and my skin needs a bit of that at the moment and it has seemed to calm it down a bit.

Avon Care cocoa butter face cream
I have only just started using this so I can't really tell if it's any good but I like the way it smells and it feels good on my skin. This is the first Avon skin product that I have tried.

Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub
 I love Lush things, I have seen this doing the rounds on the internet so I had to get it to give it a go and I love it; the smell, how it makes my lips feel and it's so pink!

I am wanting to try out some more so if you have any suggestions please let us know.

Mrs P


  1. I LOVE the Lush lip scrubs! My lips are awful at the mo because of the cold weather, but it works wonders!

  2. Good choice of products, I like Lush, especially for their bath bombs.
