Monday 28 March 2016

Proud Mummy Moment

My Daughter Little Miss P got a great opportunity with her school. She got the opportunity to perform in the Royal Albert Hall!

She sings with her choir at school and every two years they put on a huge event at the Royal Albert Hall where all the schools in the borough get together and put on a mass performance. It is an amazing event and surprisingly all of the kids sound amazing... it's not just the primary schools that sing it's also the high schools in the borough too.

I was lucky enough to go and help them out on the day as I work for the school and I've got all my checks. It was a very full on day but so enjoyable. Being able to see all the kids excited and then get very tired but when it came to the performance I went and got my seat with my family to watch as a parent. Some of my favourite bits of it was when they all had pom-poms and were doing a dance routine from their seats with them. It looks brilliant. Also I loved the singalong to Mamma Mia. It wasn't meant to be a singalong but I had to! I think most of the kids' favourite bit was when the balloons fell down from the ceiling at the end. And of course Little Miss P got one to take home with her.

Little Miss P really enjoyed her time even though we didn't get home till 10 to midnight. And she still had to wake up nice and early so the next day I did warn her teacher that if she fell asleep in class can she just leave her there for a little bit to catch up on her sleep. But she didn't fall asleep even though her eyes kept closing, well that's what the teacher said anyway.

Little one come bouncing out of school saying that she got five house points because they were the best year at the Albert Hall, it also happens to be the group I was in so it's a go me moment here.

I hope I do it again in another two years' time and I hope the Little Miss P gets the opportunity to do it again, considering music is quite a big thing in our family, well the husband mainly as I don't have a musical bone in my body. I would love for Little Miss P to be able to be musical as she seems to be enjoying it at the moment.

The music teacher is great and the kids are also brilliant. There were quite a few tired kids the next day though at school. But I think they're all slowly getting back to normal by now by catching up on some sleep.

Mrs P

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