Monday 12 June 2017

Getting Fit

So over the last few years, well over the last 8 and a bit I haven't really been looking after myself.  Well I had a little person to look after (Little Miss P) so every bit of spare money and time I had has gone towards her. I love doing that don't get me wrong but doing that has given me a mummy tummy as I like to call it (fat) and I haven't waxed my legs in years (I do shave them, my legs ain't like a monkey's) and I like getting my legs waxed as it saves so much time in the summer... and my legs like it better. 
Most of all I feel unfit and heavy, I hate getting my legs out so wearing dresses is out the question unless they are a maxi dress and for some weird reason I can't waer maxi dresses for work. So I will stick to my jeans for now.

I have come up with a few ideas to slowly get myself back to being fit.

1) Going for a walk every day. Actually started this last week with a mum friend from school, I go for about half an hour to 45 minute walk, and we are getting fast on the walks. I hope to soon start slowly jogging some bits of it too.

2) If you go on YouTube there are plenty of get fit videos, but I found one that is only eight minutes long so I've started to do that this week, even Little Miss P is doing this one with me. And it mainly gives your workout around the tummy area. 

3) Just eat smaller portions, it's that simple. I've started to give myself smaller portions at dinner. And the funny thing is I'm not that hungry afterwards even though I thought I would be. 

I'm going to keep a journal type blog thing but I will put it up once a month to see how I'm going. And then it makes me accountable for what I'm doing. If I'm brave enough I will put down my weight and what size clothes I am.

Mrs P

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