Monday 25 August 2014

Party Time

Morning all 
I have been away for a week with my little family. We went on a staycation to Kessingland and I will be doing a few posts on that within the next few weeks.

But for now here is a post of what happened for Little Miss P's birthday party. It's the same as we do every year, a BBQ and a bouncy castle with her friends and after that a few of our mates come over.

Little Miss P's friend Miss Simkiene came over early to play with her before the party. It was so that Little Miss P could stop asking when the party started or just getting bored waiting... so it was for both our sakes!

The Party was a great overall success. More kids turned up than I expected and it was a great idea for the bouncy castle as that is what the kids played on the most. For the last half an hour the girls were sitting in the front room watching Frozen and singing to all the songs. It was so sweet to watch and I wish I had got a film of them doing it.

After all the kids left it was just my family and a few mates of ours who turned up. Also Miss  Simkiene stayed with us for a few hours after too and it was so sweet that she cried when she went home as she had a great time.

I said I was making Little Miss P a cake, so I did and it wasn't a disaster. I am so proud of myself for making this and it going OK. Go me, it took a while but it worked. We also got another cake just in case the one I was making didn't work out. But I'm glad we got the other one as that one got eaten as well.

Little Miss P loved her party and really enjoyed it. She was so tired after it, bless her and didn't go to sleep until about 12.30am so that she could see in her Birthday. I now have a six-year-old Daughter.

Mrs P & Little Miss P

Here is a Little Video of our walk from Kessingland to Lowestoft

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