Wednesday 22 October 2014

Talent #205

Hi everyone, 

Today's photo gallery is all about Talent, Well I have to say I don't have a talent, well not one that I know of. Maybe my Talent is looking after my daughter and making things fun and enjoyable for her, as my life is all about her.

I just asked my hubby what my talent is and he said being fun... can that be a talent? Well, it's going to have to do, as I really can't think of anything else.

Well I enjoy taking photos, although I wouldn't really say it's a talent, it's just that I enjoy doing it.

Well that's all I have on this really. I have to say I found this one hard this week.

Mrs P


  1. Being a good mum is the best talent there is!

    1. I know it is just seem everyone around me has something, lol

  2. That is the best talent, I actually thought about putting the same. You rock x

  3. They are all talents and I definitely agree that being a great mum is the best of all.

    1. Awww thanks I just think we all have to try our best x
