Monday 22 December 2014

What 2014 Brought.

Well 2014 has had its ups and downs

I will be looking back over my blog to see what we got up to

We saw Sleeping Beauty at Hawkey Hall in Woodford, made lots of cupcakes, my sister moved into her new house, did a book review, I did a lovely review on my wedding dress. We went to Butlins for Mr P's brass band competition and the the heating stopped again. We had a flood in the hallway and the front room.

I started off doing a little bit of couponing, it was mine and the hubby's 5th wedding anniversary, we had  terrible weather with high winds and we even had one of our BBQs. We relaid the floor in the hallway. Mr P and I went to see The Duck House in the West End of London.

It was my mummy's birthday and my little nephew's birthday. Little Miss P's school said that the winter sick bug is going round and 148 kids were off. Little Miss P only had 14 kids in her class at the start of the day and 4 children went home, oh dear. My sister gave birth to a beautiful boy at about 8.45am.

It was mother's day this month here in the UK. We started doing up the bathroom... my goodness I can't believe it was that long ago. We went for lots of walks in the forest and Mummy took Little Miss P and Master P to Old McDonald's Farm. As it was Easter we went to Peterborough to see Mr P's family.

Not much happened in May really, although I discovered an app called  Shopitize that I use every week now. And that's really it, much of it has been a boring month.

I had a no TV and Internet for a day and got so much done, it was a little crazy with how much I got done really. I did a father's day gift guide (my first gift guide I think). Summer did a little bit of street dancing and we worked out that it's not really her thing. It was also Little Miss Flacky's birthday.

Little Miss P got her first wobbly tooth, we all got a really bad cold with headaches and high temperatures, I did my first beauty review (it was on a Body Butter from the Body Shop), Little Miss P lost her tooth and I did my first review on a child's book.

It was mine and Little Miss P's birthday and we went away for a few days by the beach. We had a party for Summer and had lots of fun over the summer holiday. For my birthday I got to go and see the Lion King with my little family up the West End. I had a great month.

Was all about getting back into a routine with Little Miss P going back to school and going into year two. She's a big girl now and she lost another tooth. It was my sister and Mr P's birthdays and I also had a spa day for my cousin's 21st birthday. Oh and Little Miss P started her horse riding lessons.

It was a little bit of a boring month. We did have Halloween and that was fun. We all went to stay at my nanna's house for the night and I think she enjoyed that, so did we. Little Miss P and her friend made a youtube video called Halloween t-shirts and they had fun making it.

Little Miss P had two school trips, one to London and one to the Cinema to see Moshi Monsters. I didn't get on the London school trip but made it on the cinema trip and all the kids were really well behaved. They had fun I think. It was my stepdad's 60th birthday and we all went to Center Parcs, which was great but I came down with the Center Parcs Lurgy.

Went on a trip with my little lady to London Zoo with her school. We all still had the Center Parcs lurgy at the beginning of December and it's been full of family fun. Also we stayed up London in a lovely hotel and went to Winter Wonderland and went on the London Eye. We still have two weeks left of December and that will contain a lot of eating and drinking wine with friends and family.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all x

Mrs P 


  1. I would have loved to go down to London especially for the Winter Wonderland, just couldn't make it this year, maybe next year. All best for Chistmas and the New Year xx

  2. what a lovely post, its crazy how much can be done in one year and i love the fact you got so much done without using the internet i need to try this!
