Monday 21 October 2013

October Favourites

I don't normally do these type of blog posts but I am going to give it a go and I am going to try and do a bit on my new Youtube channel.

So every month Little Miss P and I will both be doing this, picking five things each. It could be a type of food, clothing, toy or drink etc., you know what I mean.
So here is the first month of my favourites...

My Top Five

1) A fun size Twirl. Oh yes i love them with a cup of tea at about 11am, or if I miss that, at about 2pm just before getting the little one from school.

2) Soap & Glory Hand Food. I get really dry hands in the Winter, so this works great for me and Little Miss P uses it sometimes as well @ Boots £5.00

3) Soap & Glory Body Butter. I use this on my legs and tummy and I use this on Mr P's back when i give him a massage @ Boots £10.50

4) Hotel Babylon. The hubby and I love watching this in the evening as it's good wind down TV before bed with no bad words. It dosen't take a lot of thinking when watching, it's just a good ol' TV show, at the moment selling for £12.98 on

5) My iPad. Only had it about 1 month and I love it. So does Little Miss P as she has a few learning games on it.

Little Miss P Favourites

1) Colouring. She loves it and can sit for hours just colouring away and being in her own little world.

2)  Fairy shimmer lotion. It has has a tiny bit a glittle in it. She likes wearing this to parties or just when she's dressing up. She says it makes her feel like a Queen!

3) This is Joey. He is my teddy bear Mr P got me when we first met (I was 16). But ever since Little Miss P was born she has kind of taken him and lives in her room. Sometimes on the box and sometimes on  her bed.

4) Haribo Horror Mix
Little Miss P loves Haribos and I saw these in my local Nisa shop for 59p so I bought 4 of them just to keep in the cupboard.

5) Shark Tale the movie. She really likes it at the moment. We watch this as a family all sitting in the sofa @ play for £3.97

Well I hope you like our October Favourites. Might even do a November one. Let us know if we should or not.

Mrs P & Little Miss P


  1. Love the 'tea & twirl' that would be in my faves as would the iPad, and of course colouring as it is very therapeutic.

    1. I love colouring I could sit all day and do it very therapeutic x
