Monday 2 June 2014

June Mini Goals


Finish off the bathroom
This one was on May Mini Goals just to do the last few bits and buy the bathroom cabinet but we didn't get that done, due to the hubby and I having stinking colds. So this one has been carried forward.

Put the logo on this blog site
I have come up with a logo for the top of this blog and to use in other places; just need to do the last bits to it and then place it up.

Save money 
Got to save money as over the last week I seemed to need a lot of it, with my mum's 50th coming up this year and my nanna's 70th and with Little Miss P's dance show just around the corner and the outfits on their own are going to cost £42.

What Happened in May 

Summer and I have done more baking together from banana bread to cupcakes, to helping me out cooking dinner. I have come up with my logo thanks to the help of a lovely family member called Jaz. And my blog schedule is done. I can't promise to do that every week but will give it a good go.

Mrs P

Come on guys come and subscribe... we are now aiming for 100 by the end of the year... thank you! :-)


  1. Great idea to set mini, achievable goals each month. Hope you achieve them all.

