Monday 9 June 2014

Stepping outside my comfort zone.

I am not a confident person. I used to be, but after I had Little Miss P my confidence just went down; I somehow lost it somewhere and haven't been able to find it again.

A younger me 

You only live once so I am trying to find it again. I have started by practicing a dance... can't go too much into that at the moment but will be able to in 5 weeks though. I will hope to film it as well, if I can.

The other thing that I will be doing hoping to do, really want to do, but just need to get my courage up for and try & really think about it, is to be in my youtube videos, not just behind the camera but in front of it and talk in front of it. I am not going to be a famous youtube person, I'm just really doing it for myself and Little Miss P loves being in the front of the camera so it's a good thing for us to do together.

The last thing is my weight. I was a size 8 before I had Summer but now I am size 12-14, the biggest I have ever been and that puts me down a bit as I don't have a clue how to dress for that size and shape, so that has completely knocked my confidence. I call it the Overton belly as it's from that side of the family, hehe.

Well that's all I have to say about that for now. Here's to being a more confident person.

Mrs P

Fun at Woburn Safari Park

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