Monday 29 February 2016

Netfix or Amazon Prime

So last month we tried Amazon Prime to see what it is like as it was all over the TV and we thought why not. This month we are trying Netflix.

My thoughts on Amazon Prime were good at first. They had a few things that I liked to watch, mainly films and not so many programs where the other half watched lots of TV shows that he liked to watch, mainly BBC ones. It was OK but I could see if I carried on watching it and paying for it, it would not be worth the money. The only thing that might be worth the £79 would be the next day delivery for the things we buy on Amazon. But we don't buy that much really.

Now onto Netflix... We have only had it a few weeks and I love it because it has a show on it that I have always wanted to watch called Once upon a Time. Also it has the film The Wolf of Wall Street. I haven't watched that one yet but I can't wait to see it and it has Leonardo DiCaprio so that makes it better to watch hehe. 

That's it for my little blog post. Let us know what you think of both of them and if you have any of them.

Mrs P

Here is my February Haul 2016 

1 comment:

  1. We are a big Netflix fan in my house, I think it's the ease of having such a wide variety of shows at your disposal!

    Musings & More
