Monday 22 February 2016

Time Difference

Let the count down begin for our Holiday.

We have 56 days until we are on Holiday, this time in 56 days we will be in Canada, driving back to Chris and Jasmine's house. I think we will be very tired and maybe falling asleep in the car. As they are four hours behind us, I think we land at about 5.50pm our time and then it's another 4 hours to get to their house. It will only be 1.40pm in Canada when we land and it's going to take a few days to get used to the time difference. The funny thing is by the time we get used to it we will have another time difference of an hour when we pop to Montreal for a few days.

Then we will be off to Orlando for 6 days. It will be the same as Montreal but it will completely different weather. It could be cold and maybe snowing then we're going off to somewhere nice and sunny (I hope) and not raining.

It's getting really exciting now, we are starting to get all the bits together like our suitcases, all our visas, money and making sure we have clothes for 14 days worth of the trip (as I don't think I do). I know I don't. I've already had to buy more pants and socks for me and a few more for Little Miss P too.

I can't wait now and I am getting very excited about the trip and it's really not too long before we go at all.

Mrs P

Here is a little video that Little Miss P did on her new Barbie Film


  1. ooh have a fabulous time, i dont blame you for being excited!

  2. You won't really notice the time difference too much hopefully! I just went to NYC which was 5 hours behind, and I only started getting tired in the evening over there on the first day. By the second day I was well adjusted
