Tuesday 9 August 2016

My Five Summer Reads

I said to myself that I am going to do a lot reading over the summer, well to read at least five books was my hope. I don't think I will be doing that, maybe by Christmas I will but by the time Little Miss P goes back to school...  no way! 

I am still going to give you the five books that I picked out to read, most of them are from Charity shops or have been given to me by family members.

So here are my Five Summer Reads

1) Size 12 is Not Fat by Meg Cabot 
A former teen pop star Heather Wells has hit rock bottom, tired of singing other people's Lyrics, her dad's in jail and mum's bolted for Buenos Aires and Heather can't seem to stop drowning her sorrows in Kit Kat bars. To top it off her Fiance has replaced her in the charts as well as in her bed.
She has to turn a corner so she finds a job in a New York College and live in her friend's apartment.

2) Caught in the Act by Gemma Fox
It's all about first love, second chance. Carol French is grown up and is about to meet the man of her dreams. Her teenage dreams that is. Because Carol along with the rest of her sixth form gang is going to a school reunion with a difference, it's all talk about how got fat, who got famous etc.

3) Fear of Flying
It's a modern classic that changed the way we thought about sex. Daydreamer Isadora Wing doesn't want much - just to be free and find the perfect guiltless sexual encounter.

4) The Jewel Box by Anna Davis 
Grace Rutherford is one and only diamond sharp, the it girl of 1920s London whose weekly newspaper column delights readers with tales of her nightly escapades, the dinners, the dancing the hairdos and the fashion, the men....

5) The Sister Diaries by Karen Quinn
Although they can't be more different Amanda, Serena and Laura Moon have always been there for one another.  Amanda has a job in the high stakes arena of New York City real Estate but goes home to a cold empty bed. Serena is now an over the top stay at home Mum. Laura spent the last six years caring for their dying mother and now trying to breathe life into her abandoned music career.

Let's hope I will read a few of these.

Mrs P

Here is a video of my Summer Reads

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